At the beginning of the twenty-first century and the beginning of SCO and social networking in particular, these sites are the primary attention to some young people from ages 15-25, even the impact of these sites became a double-edged sword and unfortunately, it has affected many young people and caused several problems with their mental health, like anxiety, depression, stress, social isolation, and many other negative effects, and we will discuss through our website how social media sites hinder the youth from having good psychological health, and we will also discuss how these young people can control these issues, and avoid the bad effects of these sites.

Who are we?

#Alpha Cody Girls

We are a team from the GCCC that includes four 16-year-old girls: Nay, Dina, Reem and Naya, who are interested in programming and coding, so we decided to use our skills in a topic that serves adolescent girls and boys around the world, trying as much as possible to make our site useful and enjoyable at the same time.